I'll always be here;
you're my one and only.

Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 11:40 PM

[Score 30 below to be angel]

1. Smoked before
2. Drunk alcohol before
3. Slept with someone of the opposite sex
4. Slept with someone of the same sex
5. Gotten into any fight
6. Kissed someone of the opposite sex
7. Kissed someone of the same sex
8. Had someone in your room of the opposite sex
9. Scolded vulgarities lots of times
10. Bought porn
11. Take drugs before medicine
12. Hate going to the doctor's
13. Lied to your parents
14. Lied to a friend back then
15. Snuck out of the house
16. Done something illegal
17. Cut yourself
18. Hurt someone
19. Wished someone to die
20. Seen someone die
21. Missed curfew
22. Stayed up all night
23. Eaten a carton of ice cream
24. Been to a therapist
25. Been to a rehab
26. Dyed your hair
27. Received a ticket
28. Been in a wreck
29. Been to a club
30. Been to a bar for the sake of playing pool and drinking some stuff.
31. Been to a wild party
32. Seen the Mardi Gras
33. Had a fight
34. Had a spring break
35. Sniffed anything
36. Wore black nail polish
37. Wore wristbands
38. Wore black eyeliner
40. Own a 50 cent CD
41. Hugged someone of the opposite sex
42. Hugged someone of the same sex
43. Gone out with someone of the same sex
44. Gone out with someone of the opposite sex
45. Stole something
46. Been too drunk to remember anything
47. Blacked out
48. Fainted
49. Had a crush on your neighbour
50. Had someone else snuck into your room
51. Snuck into someone else's room
52. Had a crush on someone of the same sex
53. Had gone and watched movies with friends
54. Dry humped someone
55. Been called a slut
56. Called someone a slut
57. Installed speakers in your car
58. Broke a mirror
59. Showered at someone of the opposite sex's house
60. Brushed your teeth with someone else's brush
61. Consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper
62. Seen an R rated movie in theaters
63. Gone out with friends to the mall
64. Skipped school
65. Had an eating disorder
66. Had hurt yourself before
67. Gone to court
68. Walked out of a restaurant without paying
69. Caught something on fire
70. Lied about your age in order to create a crunchyroll account
71. Owned an apartment
72. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73. Cheated with someone
74. Got in trouble with the police
75. Talked to a stranger
76. Hugged a stranger
77. Kissed a stranger
78. Rode in the car with a stranger
79. Been sexually harassed
82. Stayed online for 12 hours
83. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
84. Watched TV for 12 hours straigh
t85. Been to a fair
86. Been called a bad influence
87. Cursed
88. Prank called someone
89. Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
90. Cheated on a test
91. Cheated on homework
92. Held hands with someone of the opposite sex
93. Want to be dead
94. Cut yourself before
95. Hate yourself
96. Had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
98. Worn eyeliner
99. Skinny dipped
100. Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt

score!!: 45
hahaas im a DEVIL!!..
todAY ISh hIS bIrthDAY!!
happY BIrthdAY, BirTHDAY BoY!
wishING uu hAPPY bIrtHDAY!!

Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 8:56 AM

break le...
9 april..
haishh.. t0dAy jUst passEd hiM his BDay preSSie..
n0 w0Rd 0F thAnkS at AlL>.<
he Dr0pPed it lehh..
hmm.. IncASE uu ArE w0nDering whU i gAV him..
120 REd stRAW heaRTS
81 trANSPArent strAW heaRTS
200 PAper STARs
12 STraw STarS
a NEcklace/ tAG with ------- iLY andds ----- LOVE ------- oN iT.
ii sTIll L0VE him IF uu Are WonDERING.
IIM goHna SLEEP to Get OVer HIM..
i DUnwanna HATe him..
II cut MYself AGAIN.
tis tyme, ITS reAL BAD..
SO alONe..

Thursday, April 2, 2009 @ 8:45 AM

II nidd a sh0ulder..
s0 ii can cry 0n..
a b0dy that ii can hug wh0leheartedly.
ii can kiss..
s0me0ne ii can l0ve..
that pers0n is uu..
------- ----
w0 ai ni..
ii miss uu..
when im n0t wif uu.
ii = em0 kia..
pe0ple say ii made a wr0ng ch0ice..
but ii d0nt think ii dId cUz ii l0ve uu..

@ 8:29 AM

iim damned HEARTBR0KEN!!

uu said uu l0ved me..
n0w ii heard uu wannA breAk..
ii l0ve uu:(
ii wAn tIs reLati0nshIp t0 laSt..
ii dUn wAn thIs t0 st0p liddAt..
ii l0ve uu..
buT uu aRe n0t reAlly gIving mE a chANce to shOw iT..
aLL ii nId iS 1hOur.. maybe less..
jUs uu anDDS mE tOgether..
lEt me lOve uu .
dUn leaVe mE alOne..
lIke him..
ii Love uu.
lEt me..
R and R
Rules and regulations that you have to follow; do not break em.
1. No spamming.
2. No vulgarities.
3. No bitches/bastards allowed.

L, W and N
Loves, wishes and Needs; give em to me.
1. See him more(:(:
2. New phone.
3. Better results.
4. Another piercing(?)
5. Hair extension.
6. Highlights.
7. Lil miss shirt.
8. A freaking great guy.
9. LOVE.


Layout: divinelights Icon: chrnocrossing