This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don’t think and don’t go back and change. Doesn’t matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends. Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!
Beer: Garlsberg
Food: Sushi
Relationships: Him :D
Your CRUSH: Noone
Power Rangers: EWW
Life: Quite OK
The President: Obama
Yummy: Chocolate
Cars: Air pollution (o.O?)
Movie: Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging
Halloween: Dun have
Sex: 2 ppl having sex
Religion: Free thinker
Hate: Insects
Fear: Alone
Marriage: Years later
Blondes: Nice hair
Slippers: My shiny black ones
Shoes: Converse
Asians: Me?
Pass time: TV
One night stand: W/ who?
My cell phone: LG
Smoke: -ugh-
Fantasy: -nothing pops up in mind-
College: Few more years
High school life: Sec1 rocks.. Sec2 SUCKS!
Pajamas: Baggy shirt, FBT
Stars: Pretty~
Center: Shopping centre
Alcohol: Nice to drink(:
The word love: Him xD
Friends: YAY
Money: Shopping
Heartache: Heart pain
Time: Flies
Divorce: Uhh
Dogs: Cute
Undies: Pink
Parents: Great
Babies: Cute
2Ex: Boyfriend?
Color: Green
Weddings: Marriage?!
Pizza: Hawaiian
Hangout: Anywhere, with him can le
Rest: Sleep
Goal: Soccer
Inspiration: -nothing comes up in my mind-
Name 10 things you hate about your friends:
a. They say mean things?
b. They continue doing stuffs even though i ask them to stop?
c. They sometimes backstab?
d. They ...
e. They ...
f. They ...
g. They ...
h. They ...
i. They ...
j. They ...
Name 10 things you see around you:
a. My phone
b. My laptop
c. Th cushion
d. Th tv
e. Daddie
f. Th aircon control
g. A chair
h. Th desk
i. CD
j. TV remote
Name 10 things found in your bag:
a. Pencil case
b. Calculator
c. PSP
d. Jacket
e. D&T file
f. Diary
g. Phone
h. Ear phone
i. Wallet
Name 10 specific brands found in your toilet:
a. Silkpro
b. NewYork
c. Colgate
d. Dove
e. Darlie
f. Whatever brand th toilet roll is
g. Pantene
h. Oral B
i. Th...
j. Th...
Name 10 specific brands found in your wardrobe:
a. Marks and Spencer
b. Cotten On
c. Roxy
d. Billabong
e. Surfer's Paradise
f. Esprit
g. Iora
h. I.P. Zone
i. Fox
j. Ocean Pacific